Building Legal Foundations for Sustainable Forest and Livelihoods Project

In furtherance of the implementation of the “Building Legal Foundations for Sustainable Forest and Livelihoods Project” funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NARAD) through ClientEarth, a delegation from ClientEarth is currently in Liberia. The purpose of the visit is to hold discussions with implementing partners of the project to include Heritage Partners & Associate, (HPA), Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI), Sustainable Development Institute(SDI) and the National Union of Community Forest Management Bodies (NUCFMB) on ways of maximizing the outcomes of the project over the next four years.

The ClientEarth Team visited FCI office on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 for bilateral discussion on FCI’s component of the project, which seeks to make Community Forest stronger and contribute more effectively to reducing deforestation, conserving biodiversity, and generating sustainable economic development in Liberia.