FAO Lead Technical Officer and Forest Expert visits FCI communities in Lofa and Rivercess Counties

As FAO sub-regional office sends delegate

FAO Team from Liberia and Dakar post with FCI Project Coordinator and Project Assistant

Monrovia, Liberia – June 27 and 29, 2024, the Community – Based Forestry and Protected Area Management (CBFM) Project Lead Technical Officer and Forest Expert from the FAO Sub Regional Office visited the CBFM project communities in Salayea, Lofa County and Wheasayn, in Rivercess County respectively.

The purpose of his visit was to extend technical backstopping support to the project and to as well have an idea of the level of implementation being carried out. The FAO delegation was comprised of Mr. Zoewinde Bouda, CBFM Lead Technical Officer and Forest Expert from FAO Sub Regional Office in Dakar, Charlyn Davis – Worzie, Gender Social Inclusion Specialist at FAO Liberia, and Marves J. Weah, Forestry & NRM Specialist at FAO Liberia.

Photo of participants after engagement with FAO and FCI team
The CBFM project is being implemented Foundation for Community Initiatives – FCI. FCI is implementing the CBFM Project in the Salayea Authorized Forest Community in the Northwest Landscape in Lofa, Wheasayn Applicant Forest Community in the Southeastern Landscape in Rivercess, the Konobo Authorized Forest Community in the Southeastern Landscape in Grand Gedeh and the Suay Applicant Forest Community in the Southeastern Landscape in Sinoe.
The CBFM project seeks to strengthen the management of community forests and protected areas in Liberia.